TDEA-FAFEN, Children’s Global Network (CGN), and School of Leadership Foundation (SOLF) collectively implemented the project — ILM POSSIBLE: Take a Child to School – in four provinces of Pakistan including 25 districts in Punjab, 18 districts in Sindh, 12 districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and 5 districts in Balochistan.
The aim of the project was to enroll 135,000 out-of-school children (between the ages of 5 and 11) mainly in Government Primary Schools, but also in private institutions if there were no state schools in the area, or if the government schools could not accept more students due to capacity problems.
The project was successful in increasing child enrollment as well as increasing the level of awareness to the right to education among the community, while at the same time improving service delivery of education.
Under the project, TDEA-FAFEN monitored 6,000 schools, in which 51 civil society organizations participated and 60 individuals were trained. The number of students enrollment monitored, was 84,187.
Duration: February 12,2014 – March 31, 2017
Funding Agency: British Council (BC)