TDEA implemented the ILM IDEAS project in all four provinces, Islamabad and Gilgit-Baltistan, where civil society organizations had worked on different education projects utilizing voice and accountability models.
The project activities included experience sharing and showcasing events. Civil society organizations were invited to present their booming voice and accountability models that could be replicated at the national level to advocate reforms in the education sector. The managers conducted these showcasing events in 18 locations across Pakistan. As many as 201 organizations participated and presented their successful interventions under the voice and accountability criteria, with 11 shortlisted. The team validated these shortlisted models by conducting focus group discussions, key informant interviews, community interviews, and group interviews.
TDEA also launched countrywide media and citizens’ advocacy campaigns that improved Pakistan’s education sector. The organization developed these campaigns based on content that highlighted the successful voice and accountability interventions.
Duration: November 07, 2014 – August 15, 2015
Funding Agency: Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI)