TDEA implemented Citizens’ Action for Democratic Governance (CADG) through the member organizations of FAFEN from May 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016 in order to sustain and strengthen its core programme activities and prepare for a longer-term future programming. This project built on the successes of Supporting Transparency, Accountability, and Electoral Processes in Pakistan (STAEP) programme and represented the planned core election-related programming and activities. TDEA-FAFEN, through this funding, worked to strengthen its key areas of election-related, institutional oversight and citizen demand work, knitting together its election and between-elections initiatives while also building on its past record of uniquely successful electoral and democratic reform advocacy.
The project followed DFID support to the STAEP project in Pakistan and European Union’s Long-Term Election Observation and Oversight Project (LTEOOP). The programme primarily focused on developing new and strengthening existing relationships between rights-holders and duty-bearers that enabled citizens’ voices to be channeled into administrative, regulatory, and legislative reforms, resulting in improved electoral, legislative, and local governance. This approach delivered increased value for money for donors and more sustainable civil society voice and accountability in Pakistan.
During the course of the project, 234 field staff, 5,912 observers, 4,170 citizen volunteers, 3,400 civil society representatives, and 6,000 local government candidates were engaged.
Duration: May 01, 2015 – March 31, 2016
Funding Agency: Department for International Development (DFID)