TDEA implemented a nine-month project to strengthen electoral and parliamentary processes ahead of General Election 2018.
The project focused on continued oversight of electoral and parliamentary processes and evidence-based advocacy for improved enforcement of existing statutes and legal and policy reforms through proactive engagement with political parties, parliamentarians, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), civil society, and media. The project also sought encouragement of public debate, dialogue, and discourse to strengthen a pro-democracy narrative in the country.
These actions focused on areas as important as improvement in the electoral rolls, under-registration of voters, particularly women, minority and persons with disabilities. It also emphasized conflict mapping of electoral constituencies in an effort to design appropriate peace-building interventions ahead of General Election 2018. Electoral literacy of citizens and key stakeholders, oversight of Parliament and provincial assemblies, and multi-stakeholder engagements were initiated to promote a pro-democracy narrative.
The project engaged 121,464 female and 8,805 male citizens, 429 people with disabilities, 22 transgender persons, 3,829 young male students, 3,133 young female students, 338 journalists, 660 civil society organizations, 73 political parties, and 473 observers in various project-related activities.
Duration: July 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017
Funding Agency: Department for International Development (DFID)